Create an Account

How to create a CosmosID account

If this is your first time here, welcome! We will take you through how to create an account. If it's not your first time, here's how to upload samples. And if you prefer to watch a video that takes you through setting up your account and running samples, just go here!

Creating an Account

  • Navigate to the following page in your web browser

  • Click "Don't have an account? Sign Up" beneath the "SIGN IN" button:

  • Enter your email address, job title, organization, and create a password. Review the terms of use and check the box to accept.
  • Click "Sign up" and you will receive a welcome email.
  • If you would like a free trial of CosmosID-HUB, please reach out to [email protected] to request your free trial.
  • For standard email account sign in, enter your email address and password.


You also can sign in using Google

Just click the alt text button and sign in using your gmail account.

Intro Video

Here is a video overview of how to get started on the CosmosID-HUB:

What’s Next

Upload Samples