1. Navigate to the Upload Page

From anywhere on the app, you can expand the navigation menu by clicking on the hamburger icon alt texton the upper left side of the screen.

2. Navigate to the SRA Upload

Navigate to the NCBI SRA tab

You have the ability to choose the sample type, and folder location.
NCBI SRA import is currently available for SRR shotgun metagenomic samples. 16S Functionality is currently in development.

3. Uploading Multiple Samples

You can provide a comma separated list to upload multiple samples of a single type.
If you are using the

  1. Select the "Accession List" that will download a text file.
  1. Open or copy the contents of the text file to your preferred spreadsheet application
  2. Convert the vertical list to a horizontal list. Cutting and Pasting the Transpose of the vertical list is the quickest way to accomplish this task.
  3. Export as a CSV
  4. Open the CSV as a text file
  5. Copy & Paste the contents into the NCBI SRA Upload text field